Plantoi Coffee Coffee | Life | Love

Ground to Perfection Aromatica Powder


Never tasted - Ever missed! While the Aromatica beans ground to perfection wait in our arsenal to shower bliss on your taste buds, neurons and mind, we are committed to bring them to you without a glitch!

World Class Quality Roasted Beans


We bring you freshly roasted coffee beans ready to be devoured. Signature reusable packages keeps them fresh for longer time.

Zest and Raw Greenest Coffee


Ever wonder how to spot the inner yang in a cup? This is what exactly what you were looking for! Re-energise, in a healthy redefenition

Fresh and Fermented Exotic Flavours


Love from yeasts! Fermented coffee flavours that we offer was what your inner coffee God was missing all these days!

From Around the World Speciality Blends


Yes! we accept bulk orders. We bring you the best coffee powder/roasted beans in pouches of 5kg.